Kashi Pita Crisps, Zesty Salsa

All natural. 10 whole grains. The seven whole grain company. Scoop up tasty goodness with our all-natural pita crisps! Enjoy crunchy perfection right out of the box or with your favorite dip. At Kashi, our mission is to change healthy eating from effort to enjoyment. For over 25 years, we've been dedicated to making tasty, natural foods with positive nutrition and great taste. We leave out the artificial ingredients and leave in the good-for-you goodness, so you can snack with satisfaction and feel great about it! Onions, tomato, peppers and cilantro - a tangy fiesta with a little kick. 7 whole grains - our unique combination - for hearty, natural goodness you can see and taste. Naturally yummy by themselves or with any dip! 5 g fiber (3 g total fat per serving) & 10 g whole grains - a tasty way to get fiber and whole grains you need. Have something to share - we'd love to hear from you. Whole grain. 10 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. Exchange: 1-1/2 carbohydrates & 1/2 fat. The dietary exchanges are based on the Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes, copyright 2008 by American Dietetic Association and American Diabetes Association. 100% recycled paperboard.