Odwalla Superfood Fruit Smoothie, Pink Poetry

Good source of iron and calcium. Nourishing the body whole. At Odwalla, we blend the best ingredients from nature with the latest learning in nutrition to create products bursting with living flavor that nourish your body, mind and spirit. Our mission today is the same as it's been for more than 25 years: nourish people everywhere, respect our planet, protect the soil with sustainable practices, and create products good for the soul. Excellent source of antioxidant vitamins C & E. As always, no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Good source of iron and calcium. Sisterhood has never tasted so sweet! With the wellness of all women in mind, we proudly present Pink Poetry! It's a delectable diva delight with some of the essential daily nutrients women need to be fabulously nourished to flourish. Plum, dark sweet cherry, guava, and other juices are blended with hibiscus, cranberry and green tea extracts, along with vitamins C & E, as well as iron and calcium - two things lacking in women's diets. So here's to girl power that does some real good! No GMO (Today many ingredients do not yet exist in bioengineered varieties. Nevertheless Odwalla is committed to only using ingredients that are not produced using biotechnology). 100% juice. Flash pasteurized.