New Pi Probiotic Quattro

Dietary Supplement. Supports digestive health. 2 Billion active cells at best by date. Beneficial bacteria are essential for optimal gut functioning. In addition, the majority of our immune system is housed within the digestive tract, making it even more important to maintain proper gut health. Just one capsule of our Amazon Power Biotic contains four different strains of the good bacteria needed for a healthy body. To guarantee 2 billion active cells at best by date, we encapsulate 4 billion cells at time of manufacture. The unique capsule matrix protects the bacteria and allows delivery to the small intestines. Even more, it doesn't require refrigeration - making it convenient for travel, work, or outdoor activities. No refrigeration necessary. Contains no starch, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, corn, soy, yeast, wheat, grain, gluten, or egg products. Potency and purity guaranteed. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)