Brownberry Grains & More Bread, 100% Whole Wheat, Double Fiber
18 g Of whole grains. Excellent source of fiber. 45% Daily value of fiber in 2 slices. NO high fructose corn syrup. At Brownberry bakeries, bread is a passion we have been perfecting for over 65 years - it is all we do! Today we bring you nutrition advances that help further your healthy lifestyle and also taste delicious. So we offer Double Fiber bread. Get Your Fiber: Low fat diets rich in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancers, a disease associated with many factors. Additionally fiber promotes regularity. The daily recommended value is 25 to 30 g or more for adults, yet most get only half that much. Brownberry Double Fiber: A deliciously smooth 100% whole wheat bread baked with our special fiber blend making it easy for you to get almost half your daily recommended fiber with every sandwich. USDA My Pyramid: Source - U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA Food Guide Pyramid recommends eating 6 servings of grains each day, including 3 servings from whole grain sources.