Natures Plus Spiru Tein, Strawberry 12 Oz
Each Serving of Spiru-Tein also Contains: 50 mg inositol; 21 mg choline (bitartrate). Gluten free. Healthy heart food. Healthy Heart Food: 25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. A serving of Spiru-Tein supplies 6.25 grams of soy protein. High protein energy meal (Not to be used as the sole source of dietary calories). Vegetarian, yeast-free product. Non-GMO Natural Soy: Spiru-Tein is scientifically formulated with isolated soy protein from only non-genetically modified (non-GMO) soybeans - as nature intended. 602 mg isoleucine (4.3% total protein); 364 mg histidine (2.6% total protein); 1148 mg leucine (8.2% total protein); 1050 mg arginine (7.5% total protein); 882 mg lysine (6.3% total protein); 1624 mg aspartic acid (11.6% total protein);182 mg methionine (1.3% total protein); 728 mg serine (5.2% total protein); 182 mg cysteine (1.3% total protein); 2674 mg glutamic acid (19.1% total protein); 532 mg threonine (3.8% total protein); 714 mg proline (5.1% total protein); 714 mg phenylalanine (5.1% total protein); 588 mg glycine (4.2% total protein); 182 mg tryptophan (1.3% total protein); 602 mg alanine; (4.3% total protein); 700 mg valine (5.0% total protein); 532 mg tyrosine (3.8% total protein). Tri-part protein. Great taste - mixes instantly. Tri-part protein. Complete broad spectrum. Protein complex with spirulina. NaturesPlus strawberry Spiru-Tein powder features a unique blend of ingredients, including - superior tri-part protein blend: rice, pea, soy; 100% daily value of all vitamins; broad profile of essential minerals; Energy Nutrients: high-quality tri-part protein; diet-aids: lecithin, spirulina, choline and inositol; enzymes: bromelain and papaya; cleansing: chlorophyll; fiber: cellulose and apple pectin. Strawberry Spiru-Tein mixes instantly - no blender required. Notice: This product is sold by weight, not volume, therefore settling of contents may occur during shipping and handling.